Our Solution
Why RegExplorer™
Get In Touch
Regulators from around the world are rethinking their approaches and adopting agile, iterative, and collaborative models to drive regulatory reform. There is an unprecedented need to analyze the vast corpus of regulatory stock, to modernize and transform regulation.
Deloitte’s RegExplorer™combines subject matter expertise with Augmented Intelligence to deliver practical solutions. Our cutting-edge artificial intelligence digests, analyzes, and understands links within a regulatory corpus and across institutions, allowing you to discover opportunities to accelerate and streamline regulatory reform and burden reduction efforts.
Core Capabilities
Accelerate data-driven decision-making with access transnational regulation data and analysis.
Regulatory Consulting
Our regulatory consulting approach combines cutting-edge technology with specialized professional advising to offer institutions and agencies practical solutions.
Tailor regulatory insights to your organization's needs. Add sub-regulatory guidance, public comments, internal and external documents, and more.
The RegExplorer™ Difference
Accelerate regulatory transformation
Governments are engaged in various forms of regulatory modernization – from burden reduction, streamlining, de-duplication, cost reduction, and removing conflicting regulation.
RegExplorer™ provides accessible, augmented intelligence tools that help government SMEs find opportunities in regulatory stock to support different types of regulatory modernization goals.
Automate burdensome tasks
Governments around the world are moving their workforce from low value work to high value work (i.e. administrative to mission-focused work).
RegExplorer™ facilitates the shift towards high value work through automating and accelerating the low value reading, searching, and collating information that often takes government workers days, weeks, or months to accomplish.
Enable knowledge transfer
Government regulations are typically very complex, and are the product of many years of advanced policy and mission-focused work.
RegExplorer™ mitigates potential knowledge drain as government workers retire and provides an online reference and knowledge source for new workers to access regulations and insights that drive their respective mission.
Delivery Process
Explore Regulatory Landscape
The RegExplorer™ implementation process begins with conducting research on the tool to understand the regulatory context for a particular topic or institution. This context then feeds the second stage analysis.
Discover Similar Regulations
Once the regulatory landscape has been researched, the RegExplorer™ solution can compare regulations quickly leveraging advanced natural language processing and machine learning methods.
Compare Data Sets
Comparisons against external state, local, federal , or transnational regulations can yield insights on potential sections for streamlining or elimination (i.e regulations potentially out of date, conflicting, redundant, or have "broken" citation structures).
Design Specific Insight
The Deloitte Team can work alongside the client to develop custom RegExplorer™ views, leveraging the ContextEdge platform, for client consumption and analysis.
Generate Reports
Following customization of views and tailoring of analysis, the Deloitte Team can automate the pipeline to generate reports against the regulatory corpus, operationalizing the insights for the clients.
Unlocking Value
As governments and institutions advance their regulatory reform efforts, the need to analyze the vast corpus of regulatory stock and its burden is unprecedented.
Deloitte's RegExplorer™ has unlocked value for clients through:
Accelerating regulatory transformation including burden reduction, streamlining, de-duplication, cost reduction, and removing conflicting regulation
Automating burdensome tasks such as reading, searching, and collating disparate information that takes government workers weeks and months to accomplish
Enabling knowledge transfer by providing an online reference and knowledge source for complex regulations, a product of many years of advanced policy and mission-focused work
Get In Touch
Matt Gracie
Solution Leader - US
Email: magracie@deloitte.com
Keith Davis
Solution Leader - Canada
Email: keidavis@deloitte.ca
Carsten Joergensen
Solution Leader - Denmark
Email: cajoergensen@deloitte.dk
Ursula Brennan
Solution Leader - Australia
Email: ubrennan@deloitte.com.au
Hans Verheggen
Solution Leader - EU
Email: hverheggen@deloitte.com
Walter Carlton
Solution Leader - UK
Email: wcarlton@deloitte.co.uk
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